We reply immediately
Awarded when the first social media post is made.
Awarded when the first project board is created.
Awarded when the first code review is submitted.
Awarded for placing the first bid.
Awarded when the first markdown file is added.
Awarded when the first newsletter is sent.
Awarded when the first conference talk is delivered.
Awarded when the first community survey is conducted.
Awarded for making the first suggestion.
Awarded for reporting the first intellectual property.
Awarded when the first wiki page is edited.
Awarded when the first issue is closed.
Awarded when the first milestone is achieved.
Awarded when the first CI build passes.
Awarded when the first community event is hosted.
Awarded when a 365-day streak is achieved.
Awarded when a 7-day streak is achieved.
Awarded when the first webinar is hosted.
Awarded when the first code linter check fails.
Awarded when the first test is added to the codebase.
Awarded when the first security issue is reported.
Awarded when the first bug is reported.
Awarded when the first meetup is organized.
Awarded when the first code optimization is made.
Awarded when the first branch is created.
Awarded when a 15-day streak is achieved.
Awarded when the first demo is recorded.
Awarded when the first performance improvement is made.
Awarded for earning the first bug bounty.
Awarded when the first wiki page is created.
Awarded when the first project board is completed.
Awarded when the first commit is made.
Awarded when a 30-day streak is achieved.
Awarded when the first code linter check passes.
Awarded when the first code contribution is made.
Awarded when the first fork is created.
Awarded when the first merge conflict is resolved.
Awarded when the first discussion is started.
Awarded when the first tutorial is published.
Awarded when the first tag is created.
Awarded when the first security fix is merged.
Awarded when the first API documentation is added.
Awarded to users who serve as mentors.
Awarded when the first documentation contribution is made.
Awarded when a 180-day streak is achieved.
Awarded when the first star is given to a repository.
Awarded when the first pull request is merged.
Awarded when the first dependency is updated.
Awarded when the first blog post is published.
Awarded when the first code refactor is done.
Awarded when the first user feedback is received.
Awarded when a 100-day streak is achieved.
Awarded when the first pull request is reviewed.
Awarded when the first CI build fails.